In a world-first, social media giant TikTok has banned Australian and New Zealand outlaw motorcycle gangs from using its platform


In a world first, social media giant TikTok has banned Australian and New Zealand outlaw motorcycle gangs from using its platform. The move sparking questions about whether companies 

can go further and stop young offenders from bragging about their crimes online. Livestreaming through the suburbs in a stolen Toyota Cluga, a gang of young criminals do their best to shake police. But the writing's on the dashboard. 

Those holding the camera don't even try to conceal their identity as they smash into another car in Kooparoo. But the only place they were driven was to a police cell. The police do now have the powers to actually charge people who post those crimes up on 

the social media. The social media companies need to take more responsibility for what goes up. One platform is starting to take things down. TikTok banning videos and accounts of outlaw 

motorcycle gangs. A gangster's paradise no more. TikTok says there's no place for violent or hateful organisations or individuals on our platform. But whether this ban could be replicated for Queensland's young offenders, crime authorities 

aren't so sure. Bikie gangs are quite defined by their nature and by that I mean that they wear colours they identify with the group quite clearly. With the street gangs, youth gangs, etc. it's 

quite problematic at times to know who is a member, who is the member. Then again, sometimes it's not so hard. Cam Inglis, 9 News.

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